LIVE EVENT |  International SOS Travel Risk 2020 Workshop Norway
BERGEN  | Tuesday 31 March | 07.30 - 10.30 CET |
Grand Bergen | Nedre Ole Bulls plass 1, 5012 Bergen, Norway
If your employees travel or work abroad, they may be exposed to risk or incidents such as terrorist attacks, civil unrest or infectious disease outbreaks. In recent months, we have seen the Coronavirus (COVID 19) outbreak severely impact and restrict travellers and their global mobility.

Is your organisation prepared to respond to the uncertainty around these events, ensuring employees have access to credible information, are safe and that a crisis response plan?

Join our event where we will explore the Top Ten Travel Risk Outlook Predictions for 2020, specifically focusing on fake news and misinformation - helping you to better understand the risks your organisation may face in 2020 and how to ensure you are appropriately prepared.

Bergen | Tuesday 31 March | 07.30 - 10.30 CET | Location TBC

Save the date now as only limited seats available!
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Charline Gelin
Director, Security Solutions
EMEA, International SOS
Dr Rodrigo
Medical Director, Non-communicable Disease,
      International SOS